Reborn was created in 2016 when Sgt. 1st Class, Carlton Johnson, retired from the US Army after serving 34 years and being deployed after September 11th. He and his wife Patricia were searching for a purpose, instead of retiring, they were looking for something fun to do where we could meet new people and travel. Patricia had discovered now that the couple was together every day there was one ritual she had given up. She no longer had to light a candle in the front window every night her husband was away. With all the time Carl spent serving in the military she found comfort in lighting a candle in the front window to help him always find his way home. The couple knew this comfort was worth sharing; thus, creating Reborn Co. To ensure Reborn Co held true to their values they created the company as veteran owned and operated. Hiring their son, David, and a family friend, Aaron Rosario, who are both military veterans. They started at craft shows and quickly expanded to over 50 retailers and a vast number of personal clienteles. 2020 brought many changes to the entire world. Reborn Co was not exempt from those changes. Ben White, close family friend of the Johnsons had come back his hometown in Missouri after the Covid-19 pandemic hit Brooklyn, NY where he lives. While home he helped David and his family hand pour candles for Reborn Co; and fell in love with the process, the story, and the business. Ben proposed to David that they acquire the company, continuing the legacy of his parents and what they stood for, and allow them to finally enjoy their retirement.
In Mid 2024 Rebornco acquired new ownership and a new home in the Ozarks.
Today Reborn Candle Company still stands as committed as ever to our customers by hand pouring each and every 100% soy waxed candle. We continue to hold ourselves to the highest standards by using skin safe and environment friendly oils and making each candle to the perfect aromatic level.